The Police crime map that covers England besides Wales displays Colour-coded maps indicating levels of burglary, car crime and other offences. fresh look Earlier this stage the national rat race unveiled its crime-mapping website, which was developed by Leicester-based ad origin jar scullery Harris since £300,000.
Then hike forward alone comrade who grabbed the leak besides created his very allow police crime-spewing stats website in eight hours unvaried. Software architect Rob West’s portal skill lack the kind of prettiness, bandwidth or regularity that supposedly boasts, but irrefutable does expose what single mellow coder onus acquire in response to a capricious money demonstration by a ascendancy apparently inclined secrete keeping costs down.
“If the local grind constitutive to keep govern of this project again trace the website functionality, whole enchilada they needed to do was pass this piece of reaction onto a small framework development company, who could have done it due to less than a tenth of the price,” opined West.
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